Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: GDPR

AI în recrutare: Nevoia de echilibru între inovaţie și conformitatea cu GDPR și noul AI Act
04 01 2024
The new AI Act that was recently passed in the European Union, the first-ever comprehensive legal framework on AI in the world, will most certainly raise problems comparable to the ones GDPR caused, due to its complexity and its projected significant impact. Given that the development of AI systems involves the collection of an extremely large volume of data especially in the initial phase of mapping and training, but ...
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10 clauze esenţiale cuprinse în noul model-cadru al contractului individual de muncă
The new amendments and completions to the Labour Code brought by the adoption of Law no. 283/2022 required the adoption of a new framework model of the individual employment contract. It was established by the Order of the Minister of Labour and Social Solidarity no. 2171/2022 and is made available to employees and employers by publication on the website of the Labour Inspection. For the proper development of labour relations, the parti...
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