Articole de la același autor Drd. Adela Sorinela SAFTA

Adela Sorinela SAFTA este Senior Expert în cadrul ANAF.
Clarificări în cazul termenului de preaviz de concediere ca termen de decădere obligatoriu potrivit Deciziei ÎCCJ nr. 8/2024
Numărul 4 Anul 2024
As a result of some non-unitary practices of the courts, but especially for the application of the labor legislation in the letter and spirit of the recent law, the Panel for the resolution of the appeal in the interest of the law within the HCCJ was vested by the notification formulated by the People’s Advocate with the resolution of the appeal in the interest of the of the law concerning the legal issue regarding the non-unitary ...
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Indemnizația de neconcurență prevăzută de Codul muncii. Clarificări privind regimul fiscal al contribuțiilor obligatorii
Numărul 6 Anul 2023
This research aims to analyze from the perspective of the fiscal regime the transposition of an obligation regarding the non-compete benefit apparently transposed only formally in the Labour Code, but in the context of the consequences it produces it is important to clarify its implications regarding the fiscal regime towards the legal subjects in legal relationships. The phrase non-compete benefit as it is regulated at the level of nat...
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Indemnizația de neconcurență prevăzutăde Codul muncii. Clarificări privind regimul fiscal al contribuțiilor obligatorii
Numărul 6 Anul 2023
This research aims to analyze from the perspective of the fiscal regime the transposition of an obligation regarding the non-compete benefit apparently transposed only formally in the Labour Code, but in the context of the consequences it produces it is important to clarify its implications regarding the fiscal regime towards the legal subjects in legal relationships. The phrase non-compete benefit as it is regulated at the level of nat...
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