Protecția datelor personale în contextul relațiilor de muncă
Numărul 1 Anul 2024
In a continuously changing professional landscape, where remote work and extensive use of technology are becoming prevalent, employers face significant challenges in managing the personal data of their employees. Electronic monitoring, biometric data collection, and access to sensitive information are just a few examples of practices that can directly impact the privacy of employees.
It is to be assumed that the proliferation of telewo...
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Reprezentarea nesindicală a salariaţilor în contextul noii legi privind dialogul social
Numărul 3 Anul 2023
The institution of employee representatives dates back to 1991, but its role has varied over time. Thus, initially, employees could designate their representatives only in the absence of a trade union. The law favoured trade union organization, providing only as an alternative the possibility for non-union employees to appoint their representatives in the relationship with the employer.
With the Law on social dialogue no. 62/2011, the ...
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Trei documente europene adoptate recent, relevante pentru raporturile de muncă
Numărul 3 Anul 2019
European Labor Law has recently undergone a process of transformation, a series of documents of political and normative value being adopted at the level of the European Union. Among these, especially important are the European Pillar of Social Rights, the draft Directive on the transparency and predictability of working conditions in the European Union and the Regulation establishing the future European Labor Authority – three...
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