Consideraţii privind individualizarea sancţiunii disciplinare; sancțiunea intermediară
Numărul 6 Anul 2018
In case of admitting the complaint against the disciplinary sanction of termination of the individual employment contract, the court may itself establish the application of another disciplinary sanction, necessarily more lenient. They were called intermediate sanctions. These lie between the most lenient sanction, namely the written warning and the most serious, the disciplinary termination of the individual employment contract. By rep...
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Regimul juridic privind acordarea biletelor de valoare angajaţilor
Numărul 5 Anul 2018
A recent regulatory act, applicable next year, governs in a unitary manner a series of benefits granted to employees in the form of vouchers, which include meal vouchers, gift vouchers, nursery vouchers, cultural vouchers and holiday vouchers. The new provisions outline an appropriate legal framework for providing such benefits both on paper and in electronic form.
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