Consideraţii referitoare la regimul juridic al perioadei de probă
Numărul 4 Anul 2019
This article aims to tackle a number of issues arising in connection with the probationary period, regulated under the Romanian Labor Code. Concretely, the paper scrutinizes the optional character of the clause regarding the probationary period, the consequences arising from the case where the employer fails to inform the employee on the probationary period, prior to the conclusion of the individual employment agreement, the l...
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Avertismentul scris. Aspecte teoretice și practice. Necesitatea efectuării cercetării disciplinare și în cazul avertismentului scris
Numărul 5 Anul 2018
In the following, we will analyze some theoretical and practical aspects related to the disciplinary sanction of the written warning, and we will also refer to the need to conduct a disciplinary investigation in case of a written warning.
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