Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: inteligență artificială

Digitalizarea în sectorul agricol
Digitization is a global phenomenon that has penetrated all sectors of activity. Agriculture has become a field where digitization has found specific forms of manifestation starting from simple forms such as adding controllers and GPS to existing field machines and variable spreading rate technologies (VRT) to robots, drones, and driverless vehicle technology and Internet of Things (IoT) technology. All these forms of manifestation of ...
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Avantajele și dezavantajele generate salariaților, prin introducerea și folosirea Inteligenței Artificiale (AI) la locul de muncă
In recent years, significant advances in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) have had a profound impact on various sectors, including the field of work and the use of (AI) in the workplace has generated extensive debates regarding its effects on employees. Through this article we aim to examine the impact, advantages and disadvantages (for employees) brought to the field of work by the introduction and use of artificial intellige...
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