Câteva consideraţii referitoare la reglementarea și acordarea daunelor morale în raportul de muncă
05 01 2018
According to the legal regulations from the Labour Code, moral damages can be granted only if the employee is injured by the employer during the execution of the individual labour contract. The acknowledgement of moral damages and the determination of the amount of moral damages in the labour disputes may be a challenge just as it is in the case of civil litigations. The court has the task of ordering the administration of the appropriate evid...
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Aspecte particulare privind suspendarea raporturilor de serviciu. Consecințe. Daune morale
05 01 2017
This study aims to draw attention to legislative inconsistencies that exist in the matter of suspension of work, by comparatively analyzing statutory regulations of professional categories which were considered relevant to the intended purpose. The analysis does not have as a target the whole institution suspension of work, only that segment on suspension from office due to involvement of the person in criminal investigation and only those si...
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